While saying good by to your pet is never easy we feel the ability to do this at home if far less stressful. Home euthanasia allows your pet to simply drift away in the comfort of their own home. We are proud to offer this service and take pride in our ability to make this time as peaceful and personal as possible.
Afterwards we can offer advice on home burial, or arrange for burial or cremation.  Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have, its what were here for.
Cremation can be aranged with your pets ashes returned in your choice of receptacle or as a group cremation, which is the more affordable option.  For group cremations the ashes are scattered by the crematorium.
Individual Cremations
Cremations are performed individually at a purpose built pet crematorium in Bacchus Marsh.  Scatter tubes and handcrafted wooden boxes are most commonly chosen however there is a large range available.   The full range can be viewed at the Eden Hills Website.