Dental disease results in many pets unnecessarily suffering tooth loss, gum infection, and pain. It also has the potential to shorten your pet’s lifespan. During a dental procedure, a complete examination is carried out on your pet. All present teeth are charted and evaluated, including the degree of tartar, gingivitis, and any pockets in the gums around the teeth. An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove tartar above the gumline, and all teeth are polished using a dental polisher and specialised fine-grade paste. If your pet’s dental disease is more severe, extractions may be necessary. In some cases, surgery may be performed to close the holes left behind from extracted teeth. In these cases, dissolvable stitches are used.
Post-Surgery Care:
To ensure a safe recovery it is best that your pet is kept inside overnight somewhere warm and quiet, as they will still be sleepy from the anaesthetic.
If your pet required any extractions, we recommend that you feed chunks of meat for the next few days rather than soft food or biscuits. This is to prevent any infection from the food becoming lodged in the gum area where a tooth has been removed.
Only offer a small amount of food tonight (half the normal amount). Do not be too concerned if your pet does not eat tonight as sometimes the anaesthetic can upset their stomach.
With major tooth extractions, a course of antibiotics and pain relief will be prescribed to help aid against infection and pain. Be sure to administer the medication as per the instructions on the label.
When you pick up your pet after their procedure, the staff at reception will give you an "Aftercare Bag". In this bag is an information sheet detailing the results of your pet's dental procedure (including the relevant canine/feline diagram below). This will also note the level of gingivitis and plaque build-up, as well as recommendations for your pet’s home dental care routine.

If your pet seems uncomfortable or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 9274 1845.