Cat Export to Hong Kong
First a permit must be obtained from the Govt of Hong Kong Admin Region-...
- Microchip identification implantated.
- F3 or F4 vaccaination
Cats less than 60 days old or more than 4 weeks pregnant must NOT be imported
The animal must be implanted with a microchip that is compliant with the International Standards Organization (ISO)
On arrival, the animals must be accompanied by the following certificates completed in English or Chinese:
(a) Animal Health Certificate
Dated not more than 14 days before the export, certifying that the animal is free from clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease, fit to travel, free of any quarantine restrictions imposed by the government authority of the country/place of export, and is either not pregnant or less than 4 weeks pregnant if it is a female.
The animal’s identification and microchip details must be included.
(b) Residence Certificate
The animal has been continuously resident in the country/place of origin: during the preceding 180 days prior to export or since birth;
OR for the entire period since the animal was directly imported from Hong Kong. (c) Vaccination Certificate The animal was vaccinated against the following diseases not less than 14 days and not more than 1 year prior to export to Hong Kong: Dogs – canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis and canine parvovirus.
F3 vaccaintion - Cats – feline panleucopaenia (infectious enteritis) and feline respiratory disease complex (cat flu).
(d) Airline Certificate (Captain’s Affidavit)
The animal has travelled the entire journey without leaving its crate and did not come into contact with any other animals. In the case of transshipment or transit via other countries, the animal did not leave the cargo transshipment area of the airport. NOTE: the animal may not be eligible for import or may be held under quarantine if these conditions are not met.
The certificates must be signed and stamped by EITHER a government veterinary officer OR a registered veterinary surgeon and endorsed by a government veterinary officer. To facilitate correct certification, the Animal Health Certificate (Form no.: VC-DC1, issued together with the permit) or equivalent may be used.
The Animal Health Certificate, Residence Certificate and Vaccination Certificate must apply to a single animal. The Airline Certificate (Form No.: PC101) must be completed by the captain, his delegates, airline staff or relevant parties
A.Q.I.S. Accredited Vet
If you are taking your pet overseas our A.Q.I.S Accredited vet can help you with matters pertaining to export.