Dog Export to Norfolk Island from Australia

the import conditions for a previous movement to Norfolk Island are below Please note 

 The conditions are issued with the import permit, there is not an agreed protocol.

You will be advised of the import conditions when the import permit is granted.

Applying for an import permit if the first stage of the export process.


This information is a guide to previous conditions only.correct as of August 2017 


  1. The permit is valid for 12 months for one consignment only (as per standard cat and dog import permits).
  2. The dog must be examined and found to be free from ticks, fleas and clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease within 5 days prior to export from Australia;
  3. The dog’s microchip must be scanned and found to be functional and consistent with the microchip number listed on this import permit.
  4. External and internal parasite treatment  The dog must be treated twice with a registered product that is effective against ticks and fleas. The first treatment must be within 3 to 10 days prior to export. The second treatment must be within 3 days prior to export and the treatment must be a registered dip/wash/rinse product;
  5. The dog must be treated for internal parasites with a product effective against nematodes and cestodes within 3 days prior to export.
  6. Heartworm if the dog is over 6 months of age at the time of export, the dog must be tested and treated for canine heartworm as follows:· within 30 days prior to export the dog must test negative with an antigen test; and

    · within 4 days prior to export the dog must be treated either with:

    • Milbemycin at 0.5/kg; or
    • Moxidectin at 2-4mcg/kg; or
    • Sustained release formulation moxidectin (Proheart SR-12) at approved dose rate.
  7. Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae ; The dog must be tested with a negative result on a blood sample collected within 14 days prior to the date of export.
  8. Vaccination :The dog must be fully vaccinated, according to the manufacturer’s directions, against:

· Canine parvovirus

· Canine distemper

· Canine hepatitis


The vaccination must be current at the time of export to Norfolk Island.


Treatments and Examinations


All treatments, collection of specimens and examinations must be conducted in Australia by a registered veterinarian.


Pre Arrival


The department must be given at least three days’ notice of the dog's arrival in Norfolk Island. Notice of arrivals should be made by email to the contact officer on Norfolk Island as specified by the permit outcome notice.


Post Arrival


The dog must be examined by a veterinarian and found to be fit and healthy within 3 days after arrival in Norfolk Island; and


The dog’s microchip number must be scanned and found to be functional and consistent with the microchip number listed on this import permit; and


The dog is subject to any movement and isolation restrictions as imposed by the local council on Norfolk Island.

Note Dog export to Norfolk island are likely to be changing