Dr Phil Sacks is an Aqis accredited veterinarian

To take a dog from Australia to new Zealand (requirements may have changed)

  1. An iso micro-chip identification
  2. internal parasite treatments for nematodes and cestodes twice 14 days apart in the last 30 days before travel 

    The cat or dog was treated by an Aqis  veterinarian twice with a product (or combination or products)  

           registered for the control of nematodes and cestodes at the manufacturer’s recommended dose.

       The first treatment(s) was given in the 30 days prior to the date of shipment and at least two weeks before the second treatment.

  3. External parasite treatments for ticks and fleas  twice 14 days apart in the last 30 days before travel -
  4. Heartworm treatments - 4 days before travel
  5. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) test with a negative result for Heartworm in the 30 days prior to the date of shipment:
  6. Babesia testing about $225* -  Babesia gibsoni (Asian strain) IFAT serology 1ml serum


Dogs traveling to NZ from Australia 

14 days prior to departure: about $550

  • health examination
  • external parasite Tx
  • Internal parasite treatment
  • Blood collected for Heartworm and Babesia testing
  • Microchip implanted or scanned.
Second visit 48 hours prior to departure (at least 14 days after first visit):
  • Pre-export veterinary health and welfare inspection
  • external parasite treatmtnts
  • Internal parasite treatment
  • Heartworm prevention administered
  • Microchip scanned
  • Veterinary Certificate A issued

there are a fair amount of certification  and the appoints are booked in for 30 minutes a time 

Dr Phil  is a Senior Fellow of the University of Melbourne faculty of Veterinary Science and is accredited by AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) to prepare animals for export.

Burwood  Vet has AQIS qualified vets that can give you advice and treatment so that you can take your pet dog or cat with you to New Zealand.