When dealing with feed & water shortages early weaning is a strategy worth considering.
KEY REASONS: 1. Maintain herd fertility – Cows down in condition are more likely to cycle and conceive sooner after calving, if the calves are weaned prior to joining. 2. Reduced cost of supplementary feed – Early weaning will enable you to better allocate supplements to different classes of animals. By weaning the calf off the cow early, the cow returns to maintenance requirement energy levels. This separation can provide a 30% saving in energy across the farm. High energy and protein feeds can be fed to young growing stock, and lower quality feeds (poorer quality hay) to the dry cows. This will reduce the overall cost of supplements during the drought. 3. Reduced water usage – Early weaning can reduce water requirements of cows by up to 60%. Lactating cows require 100L/day and even though a calf’s water intake doubles when it is no longer getting milk, there is a significant net saving in water. 4. Reduced stock numbers – Early weaning will allow sale of older and cull cows.
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